Friday, August 26, 2011

Snot, Drool & Sticky Stuff

I love my son to death and back but teething is the devils work I swear! 17 months of up and down mood swings is enough to make a person crazy! Being a parent totally changes your whole perspective on life, politics, fashion, attitudes, and the list goes on. I completely understand where my parents where coming from now & although I swore up and down I would never do the things they did with me, I find myself completely all for it. Funny how life experiences make a world of difference. Im a firm believer in saving myself heartache by learning from others mistakes and successes. Constantly having to learn is both a blessing and a hinderance at the same time. Being a procrastinator totally contradicts my OCD but its who I am and Im learning to live with my imperfections. Completely random post but it feels good to get these pesky random thoughts out :)


Monday, August 22, 2011

Another year older....

Next week is my birthday, and to kick off being one year older I decided to join the blog era. This is my second attempt so it should be interesting to say the least. I have never been one to stick to something like this, but perhaps I'll do a little less Face-booking and a little more living & sharing. Writing has always been a natural thing for me, my husband says I use words like a murderer uses a weapon. I promise not to murder anyone, but my tongue can be sharp at times. I'm a published poet but no one really knows that side of me.....heck I don't either its been so long. Another year older and hopefully some new goes!